REFLECTION #1: Article #1 is about how we should never buy designer clothes just because their branding. This relates to our topic because our topic is fashion and designer brands are a huge part of fashion. Article # 2 is about how fashion affects us in school. This relates to our fashion because fashion is a big thing in high school since there are no dress codes in some . So far in our topic i have learned how much of an impact and importance fashion has. At first our topic was animal cruelty but we decided to change it because it was done alot of times already. We are still figuring out our themes and generalization because we found that for that the other topic but not for this one. For our next steps we hope to find the history of fashion. The kind of fashion that people wore in each decade for the past century.We are collaborating good we do it after class because we don't have the same period. The fact that we don't have the same period is not working well because we dont have a lot of time to collaborate. One thing that is going well is that we agree on our topics and articles.